Tuesday, December 02, 2008


It's the name of the piece (edition of 5) as well as the month of posting.
It's not a coincidence.

The seasons effect abstract work more than observational work. If I were currently painting landscapes, I'd have the option of consciously changing temperature, color, mood. While working with non-observational pieces, in an expressive form, the sub-conscious impact of the given season is unknown until it is already expressed on the paper or canvas. I can't help it until I have seen it expressed.

It is scattered, fractured (probably not fractal), uncertain change in which layer upon layer of transitional states are apparent.
Forms, shapes, patters are both obvious and not.
It is a dream-like state of semi-lucidity whos interpretations must be made loosely without assuming any concrete properties.

It is simply an expression of a collective impression of similar moments and reactions to the last days of November and the first day of December, in which the light is blue, days are short, a dusting of snow barely covers patches of fallen leaves while the gray sky's winds indicate the seasonal change, and the last few degrees of warmth are escaping the rivers' water as it falls and churns while reflecting the steely sky and iron ground of rustling leaves.

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