Monday, July 01, 2013

photomechanical printing book update

Working hard to keep this first edition affordable, I think that I can keep the price to $20 (or less, depending on the final edit size).

Instruction photos that are finished:
*  Photoshop and printing a transparency with an inkjet printer
*  Exposing the KM73 plate to a stochastic screen, image transparency, washout and heat setting.
*  Preparing plate, paper, and ink for printing.
*  Printing
*  Cleanup

I need to re-shoot some processes at the end of this week:
*  Finding a base exposure time for the stochastic screen and transparency.
*  Home made step wedge to make workflow-specific adjustment curves.
*  Some problem plates for a troubleshooting section.

One decision that I have to make soon:
*  What is the title of the book?

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