Thursday, March 23, 2006

framing for my show

April 17 - 28, 2006 at the University College Art Gallery on the Teaneck campus of Fairleigh Dickingson University. (open mon - fri 9:30 - 4:30)
I'm very excited to be able to hang these prints all together, framed. My thesis show last year I was in too much of a rush to get everything framed. Too much focus on getting the bigger paintings finished... but, the prints have sold moderately well for me and I think that they deserve to be framed for this show. There will be an entire wall of these black and white prints. Opposite of the big red 7 piece painting. Should be some interesting contrast. Threat and refuge? Color and black/white? Passion and cold analysis?

I love these two waterfalls. It was fun really getting in there and working the zinc plate with this project; the balance between careful control/manipulation and the letting go to discover what the shellac would flow and how the acid would weather the plate, much like a river does to the bedrock over time. Twin falls at low water, falling onto rock, tumbling down the mountain, plunging into the pool after leaping from the sky.

I have crashed through some big waves in my boat. I thought I'd make one of the big waves really really really small. Because, after all, they all look small from far away, atop the canyon, looking down to find a route around or through the wave. They look small from the shore,when they are way out there, beautiful, non threatening. A giant wave looks smaller than my hand from far away.And then you get closer. You see that the moving water is ripping across some jagged rock, flying into pieces, spraying up into the air in a giant rooster tail. How do you pick your way around this? Do you just go right through it? It's like pushing through the forest. You can't see what is on the other side. Do you remember what you saw from the shore? Is this your first time there? Has anything changed? Head down to protect your face....

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